Westmoreland Park Wetlands Enhancement ProjectIn conjunction with the “Willamette Wetlands of the Kalapuya” mural and kiosk project in 2021-22, FAN Equity Action Team collaborated with Parks & Open Space and Beyond Toxics on enhancement of the wetlands to the east and west of the Dr. Edwin Coleman Jr. Center. The goal of the project is to remove invasive non-native plants to help native plants grow and flourish. These wetlands have protected status due to their significant populations of several native plants, including two plants with the largest populations in Eugene. The wetlands are remnants of the wet prairies that once covered this area.
Under the coordination of Parks & Open Space Ecologist Diane Steeck, volunteer work parties
are held four times a year. In August, ground cloth is laid on plots where we hope to reduce the very invasive grass, meadow foxtail. In January, the ground cloth is removed and the plots are hand-weeded. In April and May, before meadow foxtail goes to seed, the plots are hand- weeded. In March, FAN neighbors are trained by Diane Steeck as “Citizen Scientists” and “adopt” plots
to monitor and collect data. The monitoring data they collected in 2022 and 2023 showed positive results with an increase in the number of native plants in several plots. These enhancement techniques will be replicated in more areas each year. Work parties are held on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. – noon. If you are interested in participating in the wetland enhancement work parties and/or being a Citizen Scientist, email [email protected] to be added to the mailing list for volunteer
opportunities. |